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Updated: Dec 20, 2024

Get all the latest news and updates from Jupitr Entertainment straight from the source!

Hey kids, welcome one and all to the first ever post on the super duper official Jupitr Entertainment news page! I'll be using this to push out any new announcements regarding Jupitr; everything from website updates to project launches!

From the very moment I started Jupitr and launched the site, I've always wanted some sort of blog or announcement system baked in so that everything was contained in one place. Unfortunately however, setting this whole thing up seemed way too complicated, so I just never did it. However after pretty much fully rebuilding this site from the ground up over a couple updates, now seems like the perfect to sit down and implement it into the site!

Now don't you fret my lovely little gremlins, Jupitr announcements will still continue as normal over on the Discord server, Twitter, and BlueSky (and all the other places I'm 100% forgetting as I'm writing this); this will just be another place for me to post the teaser trailer for Squeen's Adventure 4: Travel Through Time (before you ask, no that's not real... yet). This is just so the people who don't feeling like going through five different websites to get the latest Jupitr news can get the latest Jupitr news.

Since I want to keep this short, this here's where I'll end off my little wall of text. Hopefully I have some kind of cool and interesting news sometime soon so I can make use of this space, otherwise my full three hours of work will have all been in vain. Thanks for taking a read through this, I love each and every single one of you guys on a deep personal level, and take care!

2025 - Jupitr Entertainment
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